Thursday, 26 June 2014

A foreigner visits...

Moved in at last.
 An eventful and busy week since the last blog.  We've moved out of Sandra's dad's house and into the caravan last Friday, even managed to get the old guitar tuned and thrashed for a hour, grand to have some privacy but thank you to Geoff for putting us up for a week and a half which we got the caravan base and the paddock sorted.

Early morning invader.
Saturday morning bright and early we had a close encounter of the hot air kind very close to our neighbours barn.  I love to watch them glide serenely over the landscape.  As usual I had task waiting to be done though so after a few minutes I had to start bring the hedges into something like shape.  Almost got them finished when my hedge trimmer decided it just didn't want to do any more.  I had to go and borrow Sandra's dads for the final fifteen feet of hedge.  Oh well if it ain't one thing it's another.

One hedge down two to go.
Sunday morning we picked up Jessica and Melissa to take them out for the day.  Not the usual day out for kids because we needed to get a couple of comfy chairs to sit in the awning (when we get time). Knowing that the IKEA chairs we used to have when we lived at Vournikas were really comfy we thought we would go there and get a couple of them.  The kids loved it, trying out all the chairs, couches and beds.  Melissa had just had her hair cut shorter the day before and had to stop at every mirror in the store just to admire herself, vain child that she is!

Number three sons extended family
 When we got back to John and Fi's house they had returned from their trip to some reptile show or other and had the snakes out while they assembled new toys for the snakes to play with.  It's the first time I have ever seen a snake eat a mouse live and not on TV, very impressive I must admit. Note the bulge in the middle of the one in the photo.

Pete, Sanny and Geoff with bubbly.
 We had a visitor to pick up at York station on Tuesday from "darn sarf" Peter (ex of the Katoghi) was staying with us for a couple of nights prior to moving into his new home this coming weekend.  We had a great time and a good laugh and it was really great to see him on good form.  In the limited time we had, we trailed him around a few of the local sights, had a meal at the local pub and a walk along the river bank trying to explain where all the water came from the buggered our house up.  I'm sure he had a super time and will be coming again when he gets the chance.

Seeing Pete onto his bus in York this morning.
We managed to ensure he was on his bus for the return journey so hopefully by the time this gets published he'll be sat down in Luton thinking about his next big adventure.

Thanks Pete for a fantastic couple of days.

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