Thursday, 5 June 2014

Jobs Jobbed...

Sunset from Mike Ruffles

Well I think almost all the jobs we had to do on Lesanda are now complete.  The weather seemed to take a plunge back into winter again this week well perhaps something near a normal British summer, some sunshine but with a coldish breeze.  Out of the wind it has been fine and warm.  Mike Ruffles published Monday evenings sunset photo on Facebook on Tuesday just to cheer us all up from the persistent mud rain we were having all day.  Sand brought up from the Sahara was deposited all over us.  We normally get this in winter but it's bloody June now!!

This muck in the cockpit doesn't look much but the it's under cover.
Obviously, the rain necessitated the boat being washed again on Wednesday which I'm pleased to say was a much better day, so now she's all bright and white again.  It has to be done because it sets like concrete if you don't get at it pretty quickly.
The last remnants swilling overboard.
We have started to pack things up in readiness for going back to the UK.  We are having some new upholstery work done by Takis at Yacht Shelters whilst we are gone so we are really looking forward to having comfy seats and a good bed when we return in September.

Just a final word about the insurance problems we've been having before I leave.  I still haven't got a single penny out of them but I know what I should be getting (not the full claim but I never expected that) and the loss adjuster has passed it off to the insurance company for payment so hopefully soon, fingers crossed.  We will be decorating all summer I guess as the current tenants are soon moving out.

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