Friday, 15 February 2013

Doing the Gramps bit...

Work mates don't always vanish after retirement.
Took four of em here in two batches.
 It's been a very hectic week for us on top of the fact that we don't seem to be able to sleep beyond six o'clock in the morning and sometimes not that late.

On Saturday I went out with some of my ex-colleagues from my days at werc wirk, ah whatever, you get my meaning I'm geriatric now and don't need to remember the name for it!  It was great to see the guys again and it good to know that you don't have to never see each other again after you retire, after all you spend more of your waking hours with them when you are working then you do with your family, at least I did.  Thanks for a great night guys and looking forward to the BBQ in the summer, if they have such a thing here!

So with that and other bits and bobs we are completely knackered.  But hey ho, Grandparents gotta do what a Grandparents gotta do.  We took Finley & Mason on Monday and also Jessica & Melissa on Tuesday to Fun Run, a play warehouse in Goole.  And afterwards to McDonalds for a treat.  They had a great time and wore off some of the surplus energy that four to six year old seem to have in abundance.  Four down, Three to Go!!

Joe with his cat.
Wednesday and Sanny spent the day with her dad and one of her old aunts who now lives alone with limited mobility so that made a nice change.  I however spent the day at No. three son's house waiting for stuff to come from internet purchases to bring back to Greece with us.  One is a new PC as my old one has just about reached it's sell by date.  It'll do to leave in the UK for when I'm here and save transporting all that kit and kaboogle every time we go travelling anywhere.  The only problem being transferring all our lives from one to t'other and setting it all up as we want it.  That's still ongoing as I type this.
Adam full up and ready for bed.

Swapping things to the new lappy.
Thursday we had arranged to take Libby, Joe & Adam to the pictures to see "Wreck it Ralph", very funny and we all enjoyed it but I wasn't aware of the costs of going to the cinema nowadays.  With our meal out afterwards it cost us over a hundred quid.  I suppose they don't get much when we are not here though!  Anyway thanks to all the Grandchildren for being absolute stars and keeping us well entertained, I would say you can get into my wallet much easier than most people can but it may be some time before I have anything back in there now.

Hopefully, San and I will be going out for an Indian tonight, most people who know me will be aghast that it's taken over a week to get some spicy food down me but that's the penalty of trying to be all things to all men (for men read Grandchildren, parents, aunt's, uncle's but not son's and daughter in laws for a change!).

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