Thursday, 2 January 2014

2014 gets off to a painful start...

The sun is out... The sky is blue...
 Well I hope that by now all the excesses of the Yuletide period have started to wear off and the hangover (head) and hang under (belly) are now on the wane.  Personally from our point of view the new year was a bit of a none event.  Prior to coming back to the UK we had planned to spend two or three days over the new year with Maureen and Mark but because of other happenings this had to be postponed, thus Sandra and I were in bed by 9 o'clock.

Unfortunately my back has not made any progress towards getting better in fact it has necessitated a visit to the doctors for some elephant sized pain killers to match my swelling girth.  The over the counter drugs I was taking by the scuttle full were having no effect what so ever so I had to bite the bullet and get something more up to the job.  These are working better but I still can't stay on my feet for more than a few minutes at a time but at least now I'm getting a little more sleep, in fact the new pills are sending me to sleep during the day, best be thankful for small mercies.  I have another appointment with the vet next week to see if we need to take it any further, perhaps back to the old chopping block!
Visit from a much missed friend.

Today we had a visit from Maureen who came for lunch with us.  It's great to catch up with her and the time seemed to fly by.  Unfortunately Mark couldn't come as he can't get into the house with his wheelchair and it seems a little selfish to leave your guests outside whilst you have lunch.  Never mind mate we'll get there to see you soon hopefully.

Today has been a beautiful day as can be seen by the photo above, notice how high in the sky the sun is and this was shortly after mid day, it's now quarter to four and the sun has set and darkness is descending, bahhhh, I'm missing the sunshine.

Hope you all had a great new year and I'll maybe have more to say next week.

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