Thursday, 27 September 2012

Goodbye Trikala....

Sandra looking knackered in the heat.
 Sandra's old friends (and I use the word advisedly ) came to stay with us on Sunday, we picked them up from Preveza airport where they had arrived early.  In fact we watched their aircraft land as we approached the airport.  They were really fussy to see Sandra and I think they may even have enjoyed renewing their acquaintance with me, but perhaps they were just trying to be nice!

The saloon, looking toward the pointy bit.
Sorry I don't have any Photo's of the girls out here on their hols but unfortunately it coincided with us getting the boat on Monday so me and my camera have been otherwise occupied.  Sandra has had the girls all over the shop for the last couple of days leaving me with my new girl friend to get better acquainted, Sandra is currently on her way back from Kefalonia with them so if she got some pics I'll add em later otherwise it'll have to be next week.

The last time the world will see this view.
The weather out here is still stonkingly hot, so it sometimes hard to get into the shade working on the boat and it's like being in an oven inside, I've got sore eyes with wipeing the sweat out of them.  But at least we are getting the summer we never got back in the UK so mus'n't complain!

Ain't she cute, mwahhh!
Well on the first day of having the boat we took everything removable from her and up to the house.

The two reasons for this are that it's easier to work around an empty area, not having to shift stuff every time you move and Sandra want's to wash everything (I know that won't surprise anybody who knows her) but I suppose we'll never have a better opportunity.  I repaired a few minor things and drawn up a snag list of things which need Sailing holiday to repair/replace.  Had Kevan down yesterday and he spotted several things which I had not even thought of but I guess that's his job but thanks all the same Kev.  All in all I don't think we have done badly getting her and with Kev's comments being generally on the positive side it make me more confident in her.  

Before my screwdriver came out
 Since then I have been going over her wire and removing some of the easier bits and pieces of plastic notices and decals from her.  We have had someone look at her to add a cockpit tent and spray hood, unfortunately the main sheets are arranged in a fashion which stops a conventional spray hood going on her so I have removed this rigging for now and we won't be able to sail her with the spray hood in position but she'll still be motor-able.  As this canvas appendage is really only for winter use it should not affect us too much.

Anyway suffice to say that every day in every way she is getting a little less "Trikala" and a little more "Lesanda"
During but no where near done.

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