Friday, 31 August 2012

Sorry, Late again!!

Frost on top of the cars in August!
 Sorry to be late again with the blog but it's been one of those weeks.  The weather has been shite again until today and there just seems to be more things to do than time to do them.

Geoff's veg garden ready for raiding. 
Sandra took her dad to York yesterday to catch his train for Dundee to have his annual pilgrimage to visit

his old army mate and then she went onto visit with one of her old work colleagues for the day.  I on the other hand was left home alone in charge of our two youngest Grand Daughters, Melissa and Jessica.  
Sandra with the fifth load of washing.

Can I go home now?
 I enjoy looking after the kids as they are no bother and John

(No. three son) has fast broadband at his house so anything which needs downloading waits until I am there.

This morning we had a frost, you can't make it out too well on the photo but all the cars were covered in a white coating,

August and the harvest not yet in and we are having frosts already, what is happening to the weather?
Conservatory spick and span!

I Geoff's absence we have been taking advantage of the situation of his house being empty for Sandra and I to give it's bi-annual deep clean.

Geoff is a very clean person but at 88 years old he doesn't see the stuff which Sandra see's.  Seven loads of washing and a great deal of hoovering and wiping later it looks good enough for the queen although I'm sure Geoff won't notice anything different.

Oh well only just over a week to go now before we set off back to Greece.  Next week will be really busy as we have a christening this weekend, Mark & Mo to visit on Monday, caravan to move out of the Paddock and clean up all the grassed area where we have been and then wash the caravan and pack the car in readiness for the trip home.  I hope the weather gods are good to us over the next week!

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