Thursday, 10 November 2011

Mid November already!

 Yesterday was overcast for most of the day so we had our first fire of the winter, very nice to snuggle up in front of a glowing log fire and watch Harry Potter on the telly!

We have finished pruning the tree's at Mike and Tree's side of the property well the big mulberry tree in particular.  It grows around fifteen feet every year and if it's not pruned hard back will produce fruit on this years growth next year, this is fine but it makes a real mess of the patio when all the purple splodge falls on it.  It will grow quick enough in spring to provide shade for the punters who rent their house over the summer period.  I've also chopped back the two "triffids" adjacent to our balcony as I was a tad worried that they may take over the world in the coming months, anyway it all looks nice and smart now.  We got about two kilo's of almonds from our almond tree and very nice they are too.
We have ventured out for a couple of walks this week.  The first just around some of the paths and roads within the village, looking at how much effort this year seems to be going into the olive groves.  There was talk of a big deal being signed with the Chinese to export olives and olive oil there but whatever the reason there are olive groves being tidied up this year which I have not even noticed before, could the the "economy crisis"!  There also seems to be a great deal more growing of vegetables on spare land going on, I think the austerity measures are certainly beginning to bite.

Walking through the groves suddenly you come across a stone lion on a gatepost in the middle of nowhere, I assume it's some sort of gate guardian but who really knows?

We also had a walk around our local monastery which is only a couple of miles away and although it's not actively used by monks there are still services held there I assume for christenings and marriages.

As can be seen from the pictures it quite old and in a bit of a state but someone seems to be taking care of the main church part of place.

This afternoon we are going out to the pontoon party at Lefkas Marina.  This is a sort of afternoon social event aimed at the newcomers to the island who are planning to spend their winter here this year.  It will give them an idea of what entertainment is available and what, where and how they can access things.

It's also a chance for the people, new and old, to meet and greet with everyone and swill down all the food with some wine, not that any one really needs an excuse to do that!

Whilst out walking Sandra has been picking bits of autumn foliage to make arrangements for the house and bring a bit of that stunning autumnal colour inside.  The hillsides are now looking very red with the changing leaves although many things here stay in full leaf throughout the winter.

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