Thursday, 1 September 2011

Last Post for a couple of weeks

Barn roof nearly dismantled
 Well our time here in good ol' Yorkshire is nearly at an end.  We are busy getting stuff wrapped up and ready to pack into the car ready for the "homeward" journey.

I have had to find a little time this week though to help my neighbours in the farm next door to our house.  As the weather hasn't been great this August, apparently the coolest and wettest for eighteen years, they have had to take advantage of any dry spells to get their harvest in so I volunteered to help with keeping the homestead something like.  As such I cut all the lawns around the farm and then disconnected all the power cables going through a barn which was to be dismantled.
Portable scaffolding?
Having removed all the cables I then assisted Rob the farmers son to demolish the old barn whose roof had collapsed under the weight of snow earlier in the year.  His dad, being a good Yorkshire man and frugal to boot, wanted to save everything in case it came in handy at a later date so all the corrugated zinc sheets had to be removed one at a time and then all the purling's and rafters removed without damage.  As we had no scaffolding we used a trailer laden with straw as a working platform.  Best fun I've had for some time, it's great being able to give things a huge clout with a big hammer!
Jessica & Melissa with dogs Dino & Dax looking on.
Today I have been doing my grand parently duties.  Sandra has been out shopping getting all the fresh stuff to take back to Greece with us and my daughter in law had to go to work.  This left me in sole charge of Jessica & Melissa in addition to the two boxers Dax & Dino for the day.  Just goes to prove that even though I'm a senior citizen I can still thrash a couple of kids into shape, we had a great time chasing around the garden and I even managed to get their dinner.  I must be getting domesticated in my old age!

Sandra arrived home at tea time worn out and spent up, another month in overdraft me thinks...

Anyway that's about all for this week, there won't be a blog next Thursday as we shall be on the road but hopefully the week after we'll have something to say.

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