Thursday, 12 November 2015

Lest we forget...

Lesanda proudly sporting her poppy day offering
Some of the marina's proud ex-service people (from Facebook).
 The salient part of this week has been the remembrance service which was held on the marina in Porto cafe by Jackie Dallos.  A very moving and humbling service with contributions from some of the ex armed forces personal resident on the marina and island.  For me, it's very important that we take a while every year to remember the sacrifice of our people both military and civilian during the armed conflicts in our history, not just the two world wars but others as well in more recent times.  I am in no way shape or form a man of any religious beliefs but this service is not about religion, it's about pride and gratitude and thanks for those who gave so much for such little reward.  I can't help but think to myself that without these dedicated men and women I for one would not enjoy the lifestyle which I now enjoy and I'm sure that that applies to most other people as well so I will always be eternally grateful.  Thankyou.
G pontoon about full for the winter yellow horseshoe is Lesanda.

 I think those who are coming for the winter are now here although the weather is so good there may still be one or two who are putting off getting snuggled down for the winter.  We have been having temperatures in the mid seventies for weeks now with no rain for weeks (touch wood) and looks like we have at least another ten days or so to come, we may yet pay for it of course.  Our pontoon is about full but there are still spaces opening up as charter boats are taken out for the closed season if anyone fancies joining this vibrant winter community.
Main square in Arta
Anyone for a new septic tank.

There must have been some problems with the sewage system on the marina because each of the toilet blocks seems to be getting a new septic treatment plant installed.  It has been quite interesting watching the men install it, they definitely are not working to northern European standards and any commitment to health and safety is minimal at best.  But at least the company are committed  to improving the facilities.

Sandra and I have had a couple of days out and about whilst the weather has been great.  It was great to visit Arta again for the first time since I had my stroke earlier on in the year.  We have also been riding around this beautiful island just to remind ourselves how lucky we really are.

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