Thursday, 1 October 2015

Sailing on hold...

Just having a swift glass in Cafe di Paris.
 It's been a funny old week with regards to the weather.  We had planned to go sailing last week and the storms put it on hold and so we looked at the forecast and the weekend was looking fine in the middle of the week but as we got nearer it looked as if the storms would return so we called it off again.  There is no point in taking chances when there is  always another day, it's not like you have to get the boat somewhere in order to catch a flight home and back to work.  Anyway the weekend turned out to be fine again as has most of this week.  It's the Greek Gods playing tricks with us again.
Jessica showing off her creation.

The upshot of this is that we won't now be getting out until Allen and Jean arrive on the tenth as over the next weekend we are going to stay with our Greek friends up at Assos and hopefully treat them to a much deserved night out as they are greatly affected by the austerity measures.  I'm sure it'll bring some cheer into their lives.

Number 2 Granddaughter, Jessy, was too busy making a butterfly the other night to talk to us on the phone for long.  When we asked Melissa if it could fly out to Greece she said " don't be silly, it's not a real butterfly"  so we got the picture sent to us over Facebook.

Jez and Deb showing off their "try before you buy" bike.
I have put the picture in of D&J
 on their hire bike just to mark the moment when the top European financier (Deb) might have mentioned a slackening of financial constraints with regards to motorcycle purchases.  So Jez, not being slow from the start line thought he ought to try out a potential "next" bike to prove he was spending responsibly and within IMF & ECB guide lines.  You always get your way in the end end Jez, who could knock the love of a good woman!

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