Thursday, 20 August 2015

GCSE's and all that...

John (#3 son)
It's been a another week of grand offspring minding again this week and we have had some very cold and wet weather as well.  No pictures taken so in Lieu of that I have included some of my wonderful sons when they were truly wonderful sons.

Last night we were treated to a meal out with John, Fi, Jess and 'lissa, which we really enjoyed, great and entertaining company and no bill at the end of it - can't be bad.  They said it was to show how much they valued the help we have been with the kids over the last couple of months but I think it's just that they are finally having some sympathy with us whinging pensioners.  Either way thank you very much and it makes up for all the birthdays etc. were we have awaited the presents and never got em!

Gary (#1 son)
 We still have to have a proper day out with the older kids,
Chris (#2 son)
Joe, Libby and Adam but that will be next week.  We are rapidly running out of time before we set off back to some warmth and sunshine with less than three weeks remaining here. Next week we will be vacating the paddock life for a couple of weeks in bricks and mortar.  House sitting for John and Fi whilst they are in America, the house is on the market so someone needs to be here for viewing purposes.

 Today I took Jo and Libby to get their exam results form school They are year 10 so GCSEs are next year.  Neither really got the grades they were hoping for but that will just serve to reinforce their efforts for the next year at school and the important exams at the end of the next school year.  They were both very disappointed though as witnessed by the near silent trip back home.  Never mind kids just use it as a wake up call and re double your efforts from here on in.

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