Thursday, 23 July 2015

School Hols (anarchy) descends...

My little hideaway.
Just about got most of the jobs around the property under control now so it won't take too much keeping on top of whilst doing the Grand parent type thing for the next millennia or so it seems.  Anyway, we are both finding a little time to rest and recuperate in between doing the chores.

The schools up here seem to have finished a week before anywhere else.  This means we have 7 weeks and four days of (un)organised anarchy.  We have some plans but for a couple of weeks until San's B.P. gets under proper control we'll be just letting the kids play and make their own entertainment, within reason.

Sandra needing some hair attention AGAIN!
 We had a great day with our friends Allen and Jean on Sunday as they are now back in the UK from Cyprus, it's amazing how fast ten hours goes when you haven't seen someone for a while and you just pick up as though it was yesterday when you last saw them, a bit of a paradox really.

Hopefully the weather will continue to remain reasonably settled for the next few weeks while the kids are off and then we will be en-route back to some proper summer weather and you never know maybe a little sail or two!

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