Thursday, 12 February 2015

Better weather - More work!...

Accumulator and water pump out for service.
 The weather seems to have finally cleared through after an horrific weekend of high winds and lots of rain which ended in snow on
Where they normally live minus the H2O.
 on the island above about 500 feet.  The snow is still here and it's bitterly cold overnight with a couple of morning frosts but glorious sunshine during the day and warm without the wind which we have all endured for the last few weeks.

The improvement in the weather has meant that at last we can get on with some of the jobs we need to do on the boat.  The first of which we had not planned for.

We had known for a few days that we had a slight fresh water leek and we were just mopping it out of the pump locker until the weather improved and let us find the cause.  However, as usual the cause had different plans and on Monday morning we arose to find the fore cabin carpet awash.  A look in the pump locker instantly told us the problem was worse, it was full of water, two and a half buckets full.  The problem was a bolt had come out of the pressure switch assembly all cured and back in now.
New Curtain need rails, clamped 'till the epoxy goes off.

We now have curtains properly fitted in the stern cabin and the heads.  Sandra and I made them whilst we were in England and we've fitted the rails this morning, just the fore cabin to go now and that's another job out of the way.

Bravo Kostas and Bravo Tommy.
Last Friday when it was blowing force seven and peeing down with rain, two Bulgarian guys rolled up to do some steel work on a catamaran just near us (My Zen).  They could not get on the boat so took the passerelle from the boat next door (Smitten). They then proceeded to drop it in the hog wash and being effectivley a long board it didn't sink straight to the bottom but went off at an angle.   Fortunately, Tommy saw them and remonstrated with them about it but to no avail they didn't even try to get it out.  Tommy, being the persistent person he is called up the company in Bulgaria and told them what he had seen, he said he would try to rescue it but it  may need a diver and they didn't seem keen to pay for this option.  After trying unsuccessfully to rescue the three meter passerelle he reported it to the marina management.  They said that they would get a diver to have a look and bill the owner (or the steel company) direct.  This morning Kostas the diver took almost a hour to find it but find it he did.  I think it was admirable of Tommy and the marina for what they did, and despicable that the steel guys didn't even attempt to retrieve it let alone ask before they borrowed it in the first place.  Rant Over.

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