Thursday, 3 April 2014

Spring Clean...

After the wash gotta get a bit of polish on.
 It's been a trying time this week with Sandra being so ill.  I've had to take over the position of domestic goddess which as anyone who knows me will vouch I ain't no dab hand at!  Anyway San still insisted on doing the foody cooking bit, she has sampled my efforts before and obviously thought she was ill enough without adding food poisoning to the list of ailments.  Anyway she's finished her course of antibiotics today and the infection seems to be abating quickly now so she's almost functioning normally other than a persistent cough and a runny nose.
And of course I get so much water about San has to clean the windows

So I decided that we should make hay while the sun shines so to speak and get on with some jobs on the boat.  Starting with cleaning the winters grime from her and getting some shine back to the old lady.  So I got the dingy out and blown up and washed the hull down twice and then gave it a good polishing.  I then saw Tony with his pressure washer doing his decks so promptly thought I ought to borrow it and give mine a good do as although I had washed them they had ingrained muck on them.  The trouble is once you start with the pressure washer you start to realise how mucky it really is next to the pressure washed bits and you have to do it all.
And meanwhile Geoff does some horticulture.
Of course I had water all over the place and Sandra started to moan that the windows on the cockpit awning had water marks all over them, so she's out with a bowl and washing them all.  Anyway we have got all the cockpit and sugar scoop polished and a bit of gel-coat repair work done today and she's looking fine.

In the meantime back in dear old Blighty, Geoffrey had not been too well either he'd caught yet another cold and Sandra had said to him to stay in and warm.  The next thing we know we get a picture sent from her cousin Laura of Geoff and her working away in aunty Pauline's garden, you just can't keep a good ninety year old down can you!  

Thanks for being the spy in the camp Laura!

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