Thursday, 27 February 2014

On Rundown...

Yours truly trying to sing.
Dancing Queen?
 We almost had a family night out just No 2 son Chris and his wife couldn't come but Gary, Claire, John, Fiona, Sandra and myself went to see two tribute acts working both individually and also as as a duo.  Although not the best singers in the world they were entertaining, and after all Robbie Williams certainly ain't the best singer in the world anyway.  Well we had a really good family night out and were joined by Paul, Nicci and Katy Robinson for a good part of the evening also.  We really did enjoy letting our hairs down after the recent trials and tribulations and would like to thank the organisers and Gilberdyke War Memorial Hall for putting on an very entertaining evening.

"Robby" and "Gary" strutting their stuff.
We have passed our insurance stalemate on to the financial ombudsman as our insurance provider (or not!) has decided they have definitely removed the flood cover retrospectively and thus leaving us high and dry, pardon the pun.  They now have up to six weeks before making their decision but if they don't uphold our claim we are willing to take things to court and have already notified our MP of what is going on to pre-empt an escalation, also we are not ruling out involving the local TV and media. The problem from our point of view is that we have not been affected anywhere near as direly as the people in the south and south west and so feel we may be pretty much at the end of the pecking order when it come to resolution of problems.  Hey ho, we'll see how things pan out from here on.

The cutter deck on my lawn tractor
This week has been very good as regards the weather and we have taken advantage to get the paddock clear of all the flotsam and jetsam left over from the flooding.  With the weather been sunny and breezy it's dried out very well which has enable us to get onto it without being clarted in mud.

But of course before any of this could be done I have had to do some major repair work on the lawn mower deck.  Which seems to have had one of the mounting riven out of the bed, never mind a little plating with metal has made that right.

Flood detritus before the clear up.
All the huge bits of timber have been put aside ready for sawing up for No.1 Son's open fires and the rest made a fantastic bonfire in the garden, you can't beat a bit of pyromania!

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