Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Pack up yer troubles...

Spray going over the concrete pontoon.
 I know I said that I wouldn't have time to write a blog this week but with Sandra being the most efficient girl in the universe, we are here twenty four hours before we leave for Athens all packed up and ready.  Thus I thought we would send a final missive from Lefkada before we go home to the family for Christmas and the new year.
Chris' boat in among the white horses.

Doe you sway to the left, boats leaning in the wind.
The inclement weather is still on us and yesterday it was a little on the wild side.  We did our laundry, despite the fact that the boat was on a permanent list to starboard and spume was in the air.  We needed to get everything clean to be left or at least so I'm told by her who should be obeyed!  Anyway according to people who have wind instruments the constant wind was about thirty eight knots and gusts into the fifties, we were certainly rocking and rolling, so much so that I never went off the boat for our usual guitar jamming session on a Tuesday.

We managed to get all the clothes and bedding hung out and dried although we did lose one towel into the sea, fortunately speedy Sanny whipped out and down the pontoon and fished out the offending article.  It was fine after rinsing out with fresh water and then drying again.  All part of life in the boat.  Ah well tomorrow at this time we will be well on our way to Athens and then overnight in Peris Hotel before flying back to Blighty on Friday and although we will miss all the people here in Lefkas we will not be sorry to leave all this bad weather behind and get back to the UK for some calm and sunshine, had enough of the rain now!!

Anyway, hopefully we will be seeing all our UK family and friends over the coming weeks and having a great time there, in the meantime we would like to wish everyone and very happy Christmas and a splendid New Year.

Sanny & Les.

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