Thursday, 14 November 2013

Lest we forget!...

Picture pinched from internet.
 The most important and moving thing that has happened this week was the service of remembrance for all those brave men, women and even children who have forfeited there lives in conflicts over the last hundred years so that we can all live safely.  Without these people, most of whom most of us will never have known or met, we could not be enjoying our freedoms now.  I'm not a religious person but I think we should all keep and honour their memory without which the lessons of history will be forgotten.
And another but the words are magic.
 Our service was held in the Irish bar in Lefkas town and well attended on both Sunday (televised UK broadcast) and Monday with a service conducted by Jacky.  Thanks to all who made it possible.

Before this however on Saturday, Sandra and Liz had a day on the sea with Rauiri and Andy.  They were attending a mini course put on freely by Vlicho yacht club, 'an introduction to yachts'.  They both had an excellent day and came back telling Tony and I what we were doing wrong!  Joking aside it was well worth while and certainly the girls did gain quite a lot of information from it in a very relaxed way, ie no one was shouting 'not that rope the other one' at them.  Thanks to the yacht club for organising the event and for keeping my absent missus happy (I think!).
Sandra, drinking from the well.
 Sunday brought another VYC event, the quiz on wheels.  Tony and Liz provided the means of transport and together we managed to complete the quiz, although perhaps not as well as some other people because we didn't win, however we had a great day out riding around the lesser visited places on the island.  Although we didn't go anywhere we hadn't been before I'm sure it was new ground to the vast majority of the quizzers.
Liz and San winding up the bucket.

Mountain View through the murk!
Since then the weather has taken a definite turn toward winter, we have had quite heavy rain accompanied by some fairly strong and gusty winds and a drop in temperature.  Today is better though but last night for the first time since we came back in August we had to have some heat on the boat, only for about an hour or so though as is rapidly becomes very warm in Lesanda.  We had what we hope will be the final fitting of our cockpit tent with it's new alterations yesterday and hopefully we shall it back with the work completed tomorrow.  First impressions are that it is looking very good and at least now we will be able to separate the spray hood from the tent and gain access via the sides rather than have to squeeze around the back with bowls full of washing!

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