Thursday, 16 May 2013

The North wind doth blow...

Susie blowing out her candles.

Bike in Preveza.
 This week has been fairly breezy every day with north westerly's blowing straight into our boat.  Because the actual air temperature isn't that hot yet being in the shade meant it was too cool to be sat out after sunset so we've been having our evening meal down below and watching a bit of telly in the evening rather than watching the world go by on the town quay.  However, today the wind has gone around to the south and consequently the air is much warmer although still a strongish breeze.
Tea for two just coming up.

There ain't nothing like a barnacled bum!
On Saturday many of the foreigners in Lefkas went to Ey Zyn (Ef Sin or good life) in the town to celebrate Susie Woozies 18th birthday, well I'm sure that's what Joe said it was anyway.  We had a really fabulous night and a great meal with nice people, Thanks Joe and Susie.

As we got a little fed up with the breeze on Monday we decided to have a ride out to Parga, then across the mountains via Souli and visit our dear Greek friends in Assos.  Of course George was really fussy to see us again although Mantha was out for the day.  We left a couple of hours later with five kilo's of eating olives ready to be prepared for bottling.  It may be the last time we get up to Assos for a while as when we return after the summer holidays to England we will not have the car so it was a little sad in some ways.

On the way home we stopped off at Preveza for a stroll along the town quay and a bite to eat at a little place we know.  I saw the bike pictured above and thought what a nice thing to do with an old "push iron".  I'm sure Geoff will remember eating at this place (pictured above), he loved it when he went there.

Tomorrow we take the boat out of the water to clean her up and anti-foul so today we have been preparing for the move by taking down the bimini and our shade sheet which goes over the boom.  I have also taken the dingy out of the water and deflated her before we move.  I could not believe the amount of growth under it, it has only been in the water for about four weeks and it took over three hours to get clean again.  I don't think she will be staying in the water any longer than needed in future.  The picture shows just one bit left to clean, there must have been a million mini barnacles in just that bit!

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