Thursday, 15 November 2012

This time we are leaving - probably!

Sandra filling her up with water.
Recently we seem to have done nothing but boaty things as we get ready to move onto the next phase of our adventure.   This is not exactly true however, we had had a couple of meals out with friends and of course there was the annual pontoon party at the Marina last Friday.

During one of the tent fitting sessions.
There seems to be a very eclectic mix of people who will be overwintering in the marina or locally this year and the pontoon party provides the perfect way of each of them getting to know each other, with snacks and drinks being available all afternoon.  To me there seemed to be quite a few more none British people this year which is a good thing as it will add to the cosmopolitan atmosphere, or at least we hope so.  Of course there are many who have been here for previous winters or indeed stay permanently in these parts but in some ways it's the new ones which make life a little more interesting.

Alison and Peter from the Katoghi had a break for a week last week and they managed to twist our arms far enough to convince us to go out for a meal on Friday night.  It didn't need that much twisting I can assure you!  We had a lovely night with drinks in the Vass bar and a simple meal at the dolphin in Vasiliki.  (A little plug here, if you like eating at the Katoghi, then you can vote for them on the Telegraph web sites "best of British" poll.)

Sunday evening was spent out with Liz and Tony, always easy company, and another fine meal at Il Sapore in Nidri.  The night always seems to go so quickly and then when you leave you think "Oh I never asked...." or "I forgot to mention..." but never mind we see them all regularly enough.

The BOSS, mistress of all she surveys. 
We have been having regular fittings of the tent on the boat this week and we had a stated finish date of today, although I have allowed tomorrow and Saturday for slippages.  Sandra is chuffed to bits over the big windows, which is what she asked for anyway, don't think I'll ever understand women!  Anyway, we are leaving Vlicho on Sunday (to quote Sandra) "come hell or high water" and going to the marina.  If there is any outstanding work then they will have to come to us.  So this time I can say with some confidence, the next blog will be coming from our H2Ome (the water home).

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