Thursday 5 April 2012

Some new nayyyyyybours....

Hardly Ascot material methinks!
 Last weekend we got new neighbours of the equine variety.  They have been left by someone in the village in the garden of the house next door.  The owner has been away for three months so I think this is maybe a neighbourly way of keeping the grass mown.  They seemed to like it anyway.
The red top fly trap

She ddi look OK until the rain came.

I've hung up this years red top fly trap.  We tried them last autumn after being plagued the previous year with flies.  They seem to work very well as the first one must have caught millions and there was a noticeable drop in fly numbers.  The manufacturers claim they target females to break the breeding cycle although I would not have wanted the job of sexing the resultant bodies!  At a cost of about £10 from Ebay I think they are great. 

Until yesterday the weather has been great here but as can be expected at this time of year we are now getting some rain and thunder and today we have no electricity, well we had earlier at 153 volts rather than the normal 220/230 but now it's off altogether good job I keep the laptop battery charged for just such a time.
Geoff's Garden spruced up for the spring.
As the weather was good I've given the old car a good clean and polish and she was looking really well but the mucky brown rain has sort of put pay to that.  Never mind It'll wash again.
Jo, Geoff, Libby and Adam enjoying the weather.

During the week I was sent some pictures of Sandra's dad's garden which he has been busy working on during the recent good weather the UK has been experiencing.  I thought I would put a couple on here for every one to see, and also an excuse to show off three of our lovely grand children, Jo, Libby and Adam, cute ain't they!

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