Thursday, 7 April 2011

Mothers day in the sun...

Mountain stream and spring flowers.
 As you all know last Sunday was Mothering Sunday and we decided that we would have a ride around the island and lunch and evening meal out.  Well Sandra's the nearest thing to a mother that I have and she does pamper me quite a lot really.  We went across to the west side of the Island on a road which we had not previously been on and found some very nice waterfalls, unfortunately the pictures have come out a little crap so I've not put them on here, although the stream pictured here was one of the feeds for the falls. very tranquil I'm sure you agree.

View Down to Gialos Beach.

I see no ships!!
When we got to the south west coast we thought we would have a look down into Gialos beach which is one of our favourites there are only a couple of makeshift tavernas in place during the season and just miles of good sand and azure seas, beautiful!

The road down to it is what puts many people off I guess several kilometres of hairpin bends but none the less very picturesque.  Of course at this time of year it's all yours, a millionaire paradise to yourself.  I tell a lie actually there was another couple further down the beach near enough to see they had no clothes on but too far away to see their "tackle"!
The bane of my life this week!
It's all right for some!

We have been having problems with our boilers for a couple of weeks now, neither the cooker or central heating was working.  Not that we've really needed it but it needed repairing before next winter and there are still occasional evenings when a little heating is needed just to take the chill off the house.  Anyway after working out how all the wiring worked it turned out to be a relay outside the house in the forced air flue system, which I have altered so the relay is no longer needed (less to go wrong in the future).  Only of course that's never the end of the problem while I had all the gubbings out on the floor servicing it all as I went along I altered something which meant when it was all re-assembled the cooker would work and the heating wouldn't.  Diesel up to the eyeballs as I bled the system several times didn't endear me to Sandra well at least the stink in her kitchen didn't.  Anyway to cut a long story short the bit I had altered (the photo diode - (magic eye)) was slightly misaligned and thus not detecting the flame properly but after some trial and error adjustments it's all working fine again now and I can get back to my wood chopping for next winters fuel, you don't have to pay for wood if you're canny but oil is expensive!!  Anyway I'll bet you can't guess who's sat in the sun reading while I'm up to my neck in muck and bullets...

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