Well, nearly a week back in the good old UK and it's not been fit to be outside since I got here. Came back to a few problems with my central heating, washing machine and hoover but I think that they are all sorted now although I have yet to get the back off the washing machine as No. one son has decided he has more right to my Torx Screwdrivers than I have but I'm sure I'll get them back anyway. He has found me a nearly new washing machine to replace the one he broke anyway but I'm hoping to mend this one and take the other out to Greece with a bit of luck.
All the Grandchildren were really pleased to see us when we got home, I thought that Adam (8 on Xmas day) wasn't going to let go of me when I first saw him although he's probably the closest to his Grand dad. Sandra's dad was also really pleased to have things back to his version of normality. That said he's hardly been at home to see us since our return!
The weather has been diabolical since our return, either extremely cold or foggy and damp. I would really like to get my garden back into some kind of order but I'm afraid that I'm not going to risk catching my death out there at the moments but I'll soon have to do because it's only 5 and a half more weeks before we return.
The journey from Thesprotiko to Athens was very nice from a scenery point of view and Patras looks like a place we shall be visiting again along with Corinth but the bus journey was 6 hours to Athens although the driver did stop for a short break at Patras. We then had another hours ride on the bus to the airport and because we caught the early bus from from Thesprotiko rather than the 11 o'clock from Arta we than had five hours to kill at the airport. At Gatwick we were ages queued up for passport control and despite the fact the we had no hold luggage to collect we were nearly 2 hours before we were on the road home to Yorkshire arriving home at 4:30 am. on Saturday morning, it was a long day as we had been up since 5am Greek time so a 26 hour day. I think we'll avoid coming home at that time in the future and try and avoid the southern airports by trying to get flights to Manchester or wherever.
Thanks to all the people who have been kind enough to ask us about what we're doing and going to be doing in the future. I have put a few photo's and video on a DVD if anyone wants to see it.
Sandra and I have put up a few Christmas deco's this morning but to be honest I think I wold rather be doing it there than here. Catch you all again soon when the weather has improved and hopefully I'm not so miserable.
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