Digging through the hedge. |
Rob Sweeting on his mini digger. |
Well the old year is rapidly coming to an end but at least on a fairly high note for us this year. Geoff has made another great come back health wise and will hopefully soon be going out again. He is still forgetful and at times confused but the pills seem to be taking affect once again. He is talking of coming back to Greece next year again "for one last time" but we will wait and see on that score. As things are at the moment we are returning to Lefkas as planned on the 10th January but we are planning on Sandra returning about six weeks later just to see how he is coping and to get make sure he's looking after himself adequately.
All the deadly green slippery algae removed. |
I have been digging holes across the lawn of our old house to try and discover the cause of a drainage problem from the road down the side shared by us and the farm next door. The drain turned out to be full of roots for about sixteen feet which has now been replaced and the huge lake in the road now clears fine. It has been a problem for many a year but now we can look forward to not having to drive through all the mud when the weather is wet, as it usually is especially at this time of year.
Sanny get another hairdo. |
Many people has asked us about the mammoth flooding our area has once again been suffering from. It has not affected us although York and Selby areas have had it very bad. Our flood just over two years ago was caused by a freak set of circumstances so hopefully it will be many, many years before we get it again.
Last night we were on baby sitting duties for Jess and Lissa, this meant that Hairdressing had to be on the agenda again, it's a good job that I don't have long hair any more of otherwise people might start to think I gone transsexual!
What a picture! |
Geoff's (bottom right) school picture. |
WWII in modern Pakistan (then India) Geoff left with horse. |
Geoff has been given a picture from an old paper this week of his school photo I'm guessing from about 1930 so I've mad it as good as I can get it with the limited tools at my disposal and put it on his electronic picture frame with his other old pictures which I scanned in years ago. He sits and watches them revolve around for hours occasionally saying things like "look there's old so and so who we went to school with". Now I know I look old and sometimes act old and at time I certainly feel old but he thirty odd years in front of me, so NO Geoff, I didn't go to school with them!
After he saw that picture he dug one out of the back of his wallet from his days out in India with the army and his beloved horses it was a little thing about the size of a match box and he's had it in his wallet ever since it was taken. Anyway I gave it the same treatment (Geoff is on the left) but the quality of the original is very poor so I can't get it much better than this.
All that remains is for me to wish all our family, friends and anyone else who reads my weekly drivel, a very happy and healthy 2016. May things only get better for everyone.